June 08, 2004

Class Acts and Shitheads

The passing of President Reagan has brought out the best and worst in people. I won't even say the names of the shitheads who are badmouthing Reagan in death- I don't want to give them any publicity.
Some years ago I heard a nut say that "AIDS was Reagan's secret weapon to kill off blacks in Africa."

Ummm- what the hell ever.... have you taken your valium today?

They should go find a knothole in a fence and indulge themselves.
According to some reports, one of the first to call the family after Reagan's passing was none other than....

Edward Kennedy.
John Kerry has suspended his campaign for the week to honor Reagan. I think that was a class act.
I was not around to see the outpouring of emotion after JFK's assassination, but I hear this is comparable.

Posted by dr at June 8, 2004 11:33 AM | TrackBack
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